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Aesthetically enhancing a building's aspects

Timber cladding has become increasingly popular as a wall covering both internally and externally with profiles to suit both modern and traditional homes. A wide variety of timber species are available to suit any application.

Western Red Cedar - an ideal material for internal and external use, Western Red Cedar is naturally resistant to decay and insect attack. Colours vary from shades of light brown to dark red-brown; if left untreated Cedar will season to an attractive silver grey. Being a light weight softwood with a high proportion of air space also gives Cedar good thermal properties and a low shrinkage factor. To avoid discolouration and corrosion it is advisable to use stainless steel fixings.

Siberian Larch - Siberian Larch is slow growing, creating a durable dense softwood varying from reddish brown to yellow orange in colour. It offers an attractive cladding and good value for money.  Due to its high density, Larch wood maintains high wear resistance and is none corrosive.

European Redwood - the most cost effective species for timber cladding; when fully treated it can be used both internally and externally for an attractive dressed cladding look. V jointed cladding fitted neatly gives a good clean look for either a modern or classic feel.

American White Oak - popular for internal cladding solutions, Oak V joined cladding can add a warm feel to any home. Whether you are cladding a feature wall or covering an unsightly area, Oak can add an elegant finish.

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masonry fixings

Mixed Plasterboard Fixings

Metal Cavity Anchors - (Full Range M5 at 37mm-50mm)

Plasterboard Fixings Regular-Duty - (Click for Range)

Zip-Fix Cavity Wall Fixings - M6

Metal Speed Plugs & Screws - 31.5mm

Nylon Speed Plugs - 42mm

Concrete Frame Screw - Head 7.5mm at 82mm-202mm (Pack Quantity - 10)

Multi-Fix Masonry Bolts - M10 x 130mm

Olympic Hexagon Nut Sleeve Anchors - (Full Range M12 Head at 75mm-129mm)

Multi-Fix Concrete Screws - (Full Range Head 7.5mm at 80mm - 180mm)

Nylon Frame Fixings - (Full Range 8mm Head at 80mm-120mm)

Nylon Frame Fixings - (Full Range 10mm Head at 80mm-140mm)

Olympic Hexagon Bolt Sleeve Anchors - M10 x 80mm

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